PSFG 2024 Festival of Ideas
Date: 9:30am-12:30pm Eastern Time, December 3, 2024 (Zoom)
PSFG’s second annual Festival of Ideas is an opportunity for our full membership to bridge traditional siloes and hear from innovative thought leaders whose work spans systems and sectors.
This year, we're very excited to welcome speakers Minh-Thu Pham, Jakada Imani, and Yelena V Litvinov:
Minh-Thu Pham
Co-Founder, Project Starling
Minh-Thu Pham has decades of experience building coalitions to tackle global challenges, including by helping the UN create and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. She co-founded and leads Project Starling, a think and do tank focused on shifting power to those most affected by global governance decisions.
Jakada Imani
CEO, The Management Center
Jakada Imani has three decades of working on a range of issues, including racial and economic justice, workers’ rights, and green jobs. At the Management Center, he helps leaders working for social change build and run equitable, sustainable, and results-driven organizations amidst uncertainty.
Yelena V Litvinov
Co-Founder, STROIKA
Yelena Litvinov co-founded STROIKA to counter rising authoritarianism by building, resourcing, and connecting resistance movements around the globe. He has over a decade of experience managing the Open Society Foundations' Eurasia Program and Women’s Rights Program.
PSFG members will reflect and share the ideas that have transformed your work, connect with peer funders, and engage in thought-provoking discussions with dynamic speakers on pressing issues of our time. This event will include small-group discussions for participants and a short Q&A with speakers following the three interviews. PSFG’s Executive Director Alex Toma will moderate the conversation.
The Festival of Ideas will take place on Zoom. The event will be off-the-record, for funders only, and not recorded.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Rachel or Istra for registration information. Registration closes Friday, November 22.