Interested in joining PSFG?

Membership is open to funders currently supporting work in the peace and security sector, or those curious about it. We create space for our members to connect, engage in strategic discussions, learn about emerging issues, share best practices, and reflect on lessons learned.

Member Benefits

  • PSFG members chat and gesture with one another at our 2023 Annual Meeting.


    PSFG provides our members with connections to peer funders and fosters a sense of community within the sector. Platforms to foster this network include the Breakfast Club, Peer Coaching Circles, and timely events on themes such as nuclear security and decolonizing our work.

  • An Asian person wearing glasses speaks in a microphone while seated. Several people listen.

    DEI Support

    PSFG helps funders advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within their own organizations and the broader sector. PSFG hosts trainings and provides resources to assist funders in connecting their peace and security work to equity and justice.

  • A dozen professionals stand around a table, listening to a woman who is speaking.


    Through our programs, PSFG builds pathways for connection across the peace and security sector to share learnings and resources, break down silos, and harness the community’s collective strength.

  • PSFG's Rachel LaForgia greets annual meeting attendees.

    Staff Expertise

    PSFG staff are recognized as thought leaders in the sector, both because of our issue expertise in topics ranging from nuclear security to DEI, and because we have a bird’s eye view of the peace and security philanthropic sector.

  • A group of people sit alongside a small table talking and looking at laptops.


    PSFG publishes original research on topics related to peace and security philanthropy.

“Honestly, pretty much every engagement - whether part of the organized activities or during the breaks - was enriching. More than anything it was a powerful reminder that I am part of an ecosystem populated by amazing colleagues with diverse experiences/backgrounds, who amazingly, via PSFG, are open and available to engage, learn from, and potentially build collaboration/cooperation with.”

—2023 Annual Meeting participant survey feedback

“PSFG has been my main window into the broader world of philanthropy, a place to learn from peers, and an opportunity to wrestle with challenges that I face directly in my role as well as things I think are important even if I don’t work on them directly.”

—Young professional at large, private foundation

“I deeply appreciate the thoughtful and high quality work you are doing. PSFG is my most valued network in my work within and beyond the grantmaking operations.”

—Executive Director at small, private foundation

Interested in joining?

Email Cath Thompson at cath @ if you are interested in learning about PSFG membership.